Monday, May 16, 2011

Tending the Gardners

I recently attended Time Out for Women for the first time. Wow, what an experience! The focus of this year's conference was "Choose to Become"... your greatest self. Take a leap of faith, forget your fears and just be what you have always wanted to be, do what you have always wanted to do. For me, this means loving my God, my family, and myself..... more.

For starters, I am beginning this blogging journey so my kids will always have a record of these crazy wonderful years. 

One of the speakers I was privileged to hear this weekend, Emily Watts, compared children to little carrot seeds. She said, when a carrot seed sprouts out of the ground, you do not chasten it for not having all of its leaves, or not yet reaching its full size or color. You simply water it, stand back and watch in wonderment at the process of this carrot growing into what it was always meant to become... .a carrot. I am truly blessed to be entrusted with my special little seedlings and all four of them are uniquely amazing. God must have thought a lot of me for giving me such wonderful challenges. Ava, David, Daniel and Deacon.... this is for you.